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Back to the office? 7 places you should go instead

Here at Situu, we don’t like using the word “office”.

We believe that the perfect workspaces are more than just an office. They are unique spaces where you can unleash your creative potential and turn your business into something truly special.

As the majority of the UK begins returning to their places of work on a full-time basis, here are 7 ways they can ensure that return is a happy one.

1 – Back to the office Creative Hub

It’s well known that people’s energy levels reflect the spaces around them. If you’re in a creative team, how much inspiration are you really going to find from the same four walls you see in every other office across the UK? Boost the creativity and productivity of your team with an inspiring and intelligently-designed workspace.

2 – Back to the office Brand HQ

When you welcome new employees, new clients or new visitors to your physical workspace, you want to make an impression that will last with them forever. A bog standard ‘office’ won’t do that. Instead, create an iconic workplace which reflects your brand, your culture and your team through and through.

3 – Back to the office Flexi Office

If there’s one thing the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us, it’s the importance of hybrid working and allowing your team to complete their work commitments according to their own terms. 97% of employees don’t want to return to the office full-time, and providing a workplace where flexibility is built-in from the start will be key to talent retention and attraction over the coming years.

4 – Back to the office Private Terrace

Why restrict yourself to the indoors? Feel the fresh air! A social place for your team to catch up with colleagues and friends outside can be a great way to refresh and recharge. Remember, some of the best ideas come when you least expect them, and nothing says “this is a great place to work” more than your very own private terrace.

5 – Back to the office Gym

More and more employees are taking the opportunity to exercise before or during their working hours. Rather than asking them to go all the way to the gym and back, why not set aside some exercise areas within your workplace where they can let off some steam with ease? Keeping your body fit and active is proven to improve productivity. Just don’t forget the showers!

6 – Back to the office Breakout

Stop eating at your desk. Turn your breakout into the heart of your office, and a great place to share ideas and collaborate. Breakout rooms are no longer just a ‘trend’ or a fad for start-ups – they are an essential part of any growing business.

7 – Back to the office Perfect View

Too many workplaces these days focus on what’s on the inside and forget to take a look at what’s on the outside. Having plenty of access to natural light is essential for improving overall mood and reducing eye strain, while inspiring views can work wonders when it comes to thinking up creative ideas under pressure.

When you and your team start going back to work, don’t go back to an office.

Go back to the perfect workplace.

Get in touch with a member of the Situu team to find out more!

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